Greek courses


The Classics Department offers the following courses in Ancient Greek:

CL 101–2 Elementary Greek I – II
Provides a systematic study of Greek grammar, syntax and vocabulary accompanied by exercises designed to enable the student to read Greek prose and poetry. FA14website

CL 201–2 Intermediate Greek I – II
A review of Greek grammar and syntax and a survey of Greek prose and verse with an emphasis on strengthening reading skills. FA12website

CL 301 Greek Historiography
Readings from select Greek historical authors with discussions on style, techniques of composition, and sources. Lectures are also given on the development of Greek historiography.

CL 302 Greek Philosophy
Readings from select Greek philosophical writers with discussions on language, style, techniques of composition, and sources. Lectures are also given on the development of Greek philosophy. FA09website

CL 310 Greek Epic
Readings and discussions selected from Homer. Lectures on the Homeric question, Homeric dialect, and the development of Greek epic poetry are given.

CL 314 Greek Tragedy
One complete tragedy is read, chosen from the corpus of Aeschylus, Sophocles, or Euripides. Supplementary lectures are given on the origins of Greek tragedy, on Greek dramatic production, and on Greek tragic meters. FA08website

CL 315 Greek Comedy
A Greek comedy, chosen from the works of Aristophanes or Menander, is read in its entirety. Lectures are given on the themes of Greek comedy and on the differences between Greek Old Comedy and Greek New Comedy

CL 317 New Testament Greek
Selected readings from the Gospels and Epistles of the New Testament or from the Greek Fathers, together with lectures on the development of Koine Greek and its differences from Attic Greek.

CL 319 Greek Special Topics
An examination of various topics related to ancient Greek. FA13website